Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Arma 3: Altis life- A Guide Including Tips and Tricks

Hey guys its JDG talking today about Altis life, a variant of Arma 3, which can be played on different servers to suit your fitting and preferences, Although in my opinion there is a definite top Altis life server which i will link at the bottom of this article. Altis life is full of things to do, first thing to do on your mind though should be money making. Gear, vehicles and the majority of things require money on Altis Life so here's the first post of the series; money making.

Money Making

Money can be made both illegally and legally, both have their advantages and disadvantages. To make it easier to process i'll give the top ways to make money for both sides of the law and then tell you the pro's and con's. This is not a detailed guide, merely and overall look. For detailed guides on specific money making methods, search the desired one on youtube.


- Copper is by far one of the best legal money making methods. It is extremely quick and simple with just one route to follow. Not much money is needed to fund this money enterprise as all thats needed is a truck, a pickaxe and copper license which can all be bought for under 100,000 pounds which is what most servers have as their starting money. A side note would be to consider robberies which are known to happen often with copper. If concerned about this i would highly reccomend sugar runs as a safer alternative. They both result in the same amount of money at the end of the run, sugar is just a tiny bit longer.

- Shipwrecks are extremely profitable, raking in 7-8 million pounds if lucky. Gold scrap is found in shipwrecks which respawn every server restart. These can be sold at the gold scrap dealer for a very hefty amount, the price may vary though from server to server. A downside of this money making method would be the amount of money needed to start this method so this isn't really a realistic option for beginners. Submarines and helicopters are some of the many things needed or very essential in this method.


- Illegal money methods are by far the best for quick money. Top of this list would be cocaine or heroine. They are fairly similar so i'm gonna put them in the same section. One thing to note, Cocaine is slightly longer but pays better. Most do cocaine runs in helicopters to speed it up but trucks can earn you a serious amount of money but will take a lot longer. Helicopters are also chosen to increase the safety of the run as robberies can be very common on cocaine truck runs. Heroin is mostly done in trucks as it is a much shorter run but the risk of robberies is still there so helicopters are still used. Don't listen to servers when they say the downside of illegal money making is the risk of cops. Cops are the last of your worries when it comes to drug runs, be way more concerned with rebels. however that does not mean to say you shouldn't be blind about the whole thing and not check your surroundings. be sure to check all the illegal areas before entering for cops and bandits.

- Moonshine is the biggest money maker in most peoples eyes however it is also the most complicated by far. I'm not gonna go into how do it as that will take a while just search it up. Moonshine has a lot of steps but the pay is great. It is also the safest out of all the illegal runs in my opinion with most robbers not considering it as a run to rob.

- Although its not the best, Turtle poaching should be put in this list as a good money maker as it is but it's just not the best. Turtle poaching is good money but there's a lot of cons. first of all gear is needed to start, a boat and diving gear being two of those things. The run is also fairly long and in my experience lots of robbers camp the turtle dealer which is never good.

A good thing to remember is that if your ever concerned about robbers find the off-peak times of your server and play then when there isn't many people online. This doesn't mean to say your play should be restricted to that time but when your risking a lot of money like on a truck cocaine run you should consider doing it then.

This is no.1 of my "Arma 3: Altis life- A Guide Including Tips and Tricks" series. Next up will be best gear and weapons considering both the pro's and con's.

As promised here is in my opinion the best server of the many i have played on :

1 comment:

  1. Hi John, This guide is over a year out of date, A new one can be found at:
